sunnuntai 16. tammikuuta 2011

Pairing Analysis

After reading this (through which I discovered the Doctor/the Master), I started thinking what kind of pairings I usually go for. (This is not a complete list, but the ones I remember right now).

More comprehensive shippage:

The Doctor/the Master is of course enemy!slash. They've already had a canon on-screen kiss about thirty years ago, so it's not even slash anymore, it's just fact. And this is a family show, remember. This is the ultimate enemyslash pairing. You don't need to write bondage, it's already there!

Fuffy. Since. Forever. Those two crazy kids should just get a room already. If Buffy hadn't had such problems with coming out, Faith would never have gone with the Mayor. Also includes canon bondage. What more could you ask?

Shassie, I think, counts as enemyslash too, since buddyslash would require them to get along after the rocky start, and though they've had their moments, they're not quite there yet..

I just realized House/Wilson is kind of an outlet for Sherlock-slashfans to get their groove on. That said, it is pretty awesome. Category: abusive buddyship?

Merlin/Gwaine: attractive man shows Merlin how to live and gets some sex in the process? I really have no idea.

Henry/Anne: because they are. Love, sex, hate, violence, dancing, comfort, death, it's all there!

Penny/Sheldon: again, antagonism, but really cute in between.

Spock/McCoy OR Kirk/McCoy. I used to enjoy Spirk videos, but I watched the series and they weren't a couple. Also, Spirk is too easy. Cue McCoy. SpoCoy=antagonism. Kirk/McCoy (which I like less, but like the videos anyhow) is a buddything.

Spangel and theoretical Spander. Again, hate, sex.. I also loved it when Spike comforted Buffy and shipped them afterwards, but what he did to her later kind of threw me off them.

Daniel/Vala: Just get it on! Make a special episode and make us watch!

Destiel: I only watch the show for the angels. This kind of goes from hate to friendship and back again.

Sherlock/Lestrade (thanks to MonstersInside): Because nothing quite says love like holding up a fake drugs bust on your boy toy. (Again, BBC Sherlock. Not sACD).

Huddy: antagonism. Sometimes I'm slightly weirded out by where they're taking the relationship, but whatevs.

Wilson/Amber: loved her. Why kill her off? (To preserve her character and not to screw it up. Okay, that's fine).

Clex: I'm not going to apologize for watching this show. Also, Clois. It's always about someone other than Clark, though.

Batman and Catwoman: because when I was little, I saw Adam West's series and they held hands. Well, Batman doesn't like anyone, but maybe she could be the exception.

Lassiet: I don't know if I want them to hook up, but they're so cute. I almost prefer it that they don't get together, and the cuteness remains random.

For one great video:

Nick/Greg: I don't really ship these two, but the video I saw of them was so full of win.

Anne/Thomas: for one video, it was beautiful to see the heartbreak. This is like a breakup thing or something.

Anne Stanhope/Edward Seymour: because it's such a waste if the only man you don't sleep on the show is your husband, who is gorgeous. (The affairs were actually fictitious, but I loved the character they created).

In conclusion, it would seem I hardly ever go for a functional relationship with actual potential to work out and choose a one with the most friction. I need help.

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